Ever since I was little, I loved Earth Day. I loved that it was in spring, when the flowers were starting to pop up, spreading scents across our old farm. The sun was gently getting warmer and brighter, and lasting longer. The grass felt soft, and the ponies shed their winter coats, leaving behind pillows of fur wherever they went. It is the time when I am - and most people are, with their own reasons - most aware of the Earth, because it tends to take us by surprise. One day you may wake up and hear birds, and look out the window and realize that it is green outside, and that the sun on your face is what woke you up. And suddenly, it feels like spring!
This year, my sense of spring, and of Earth Day, is different. It's not just the last frantic days of school, but also the frantic beginning of a summer. It's not just looking forward to long, lounging days, but also to a fulfilling and exciting adventure. Earth Day has a different meaning for me. It literally means Earth - uncovering it, digging it, tending it, and planting in it. I am so much closer to the Earth this year, as I focus all of my attention on it. It's health and vitality means everything to me. I am not just closer to the soil, but also I am more in tune with the weather. I feel the temperature closely. I watch the clouds move. I analyze the precipitation. By necessity, I am simply more aware of the Earth.
So this year, Earth Day is a reminder. I have to step back and remind myself of the simplicity of nature, and how everything works together. I have been stressing a lot about tiny little flaws in nature... every time a seedling wilts, or the ground is soggy... But this Earth Day, I am going to remember what I always knew before: Things grow. They want to grow. And even if I tried to stop them, I probably couldn't. I am just here to help them grow the best that they can. That is my new job as a farmer.
Here's to the Earth, who gets so much less credit than she deserves. With some effort from us, she would gladly help us back. (And she has.)
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